WSIB Claims Management
WSIB Loss Time Claims
We are focused on prevention; however, when injuries and illnesses result in WSIB loss time claims you want us on your side.
WSIB orders for reemployment. Example of experiences include employees who were not performing well but it was not really addresses effectively or at all for reasons the company management had at that time. The employee is injured and on a claim.
WSIB Appeals
We are able to provide a professional opinion of the situation for management and their HR as applicable or a sole proprietor owner to take the full appeals. We keep within our scope as Human Resource and Safety Specialists and Consultants which is often all that is required to successfully address the file. If and when the file requires further legal attention, we are able to utilize our team members and/or trusted alliances who are either Paralegal’s or Lawyers specializing in employment law.
The benefit is that we have already done the “leg work” and out Paralegal and/or Lawyer can then review and provide their expertise and advice for the next steps including answering the questions “is it worth the time and cost to pursue further?” “Do we have a choice not to move forward?” “What are the resources both financially and of my time that will be required?” etc.